Monect Community


  • 17 Jan
  • Joined Dec 9, 2024
  • yo there minna~,any one whos been wandering if Wuthering waves/WuWA controller layout will exist here in pc remote ,it's here now and i've been using it for a while,just wanted to share it for anyone who want to use it

    i've altered some of the existing controllers there and arrange and change something to make it compatible to work in controlling while playing it, i started playing it on pc too and being not used to hitting the keyboard all the time since i used my mobile phone to play everytime with it, that's why i tried fidgeting with the cotrollers.

    you can dowload it here at the provided file link that i uploaded below and also if you want you can try altering the buttons too or add something to make it more convenient for you to control,also about the default camera sensitivity which set to 50 (all) that is annoyingly moving a alot when you control it using with this,you can changed that through the game settings---->camera and set it to 10-15 0r something or anything that is best with you....


    -May the waves wuthering with you-
    enjoy gaming....

  • btw done uploading it here (main layout discussion) ,just waiting for the approval

  • I have one created by alterations of the other controller layouts and been using it for while whenever i play wuwa on pc

    i can share it to you if you want btw,the problem is how and where i can share it

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