nobita_nobi its easy to write alphabets in script click(kb_a) but how to write shift alt control. what should be keycode click(kb_shift), not working
adminj There are two shift keys on the keyboard: 'kb_lshift' (left shift) and 'kb_rshift' (right shift). Please specify your preference for the shift key you would like to use.
nobita_nobi and for other keys click(kb_rwin), click(kb_ralt), click(kb_rctrl), click(kb_lwin), click(kb_lalt), click(kb_lctrl), is it correct to write like this ??
nobita_nobi No its not working..... i tried click(kb_lwin), in script but its not working i wann use shift , control alt and win keys in script
adminj Currently, the Windows key is not supported. It will be added in a future update. For more details, please visit
nobita_nobi yes now its work perfectly. THANK YOU so so so much admin sir. The link you provide help me a lot to write the script.