Monect Community

PlayStation Layout For Monect

Do you more comfortable with PlayStation Controller? you'r going to a correct Layout Discussion.
in this Discussion, i will share my PlayStation Layout,

(NB: this layout only change the text and position, but the function is still same as Xbox 360.)

The detail of layout function:

How to install:

  1. Download the Layout from Here.
    • In Phone: Zoom out your browser and focus on right top corner of the site and click ""Skip"".
    • In Pc: wait 6 second, and click "Skip" in right top corner.
  2. Download the PlayStation Layout file.
  3. There's two way to install it,
    1. From Phone:
      • Move your PlayStation.mlo file to Storage => Monect => Layout.
      • Open your monect in phone, go to menu "Layouts", click "+" in right top corner of the app and click "Install From Storage", and select the "PlayStation Layout.mlo" file,
    2. From Pc:
      • Connect your pc and phone from Monect, In Phone, go to "Utility Tools" in Monect, and click "This PC", then locate your PlayStation Layout.mlo File, Then Hold the file, click download, and now you can use From Phone Step.
      • Connect your pc and phone with Usb Cable, In Pc, open File Explorer, locate your PlayStation Layout.mlo, right click and click "Cut", then locate the File Explorer to your phone storage (Click This PC, Go to (Phone Name) => Storage => Monect => Layouts), and paste the PlayStation Layout.mlo here,

And Done!
now you can use the Layout Completely Now!

Download Link :
With Badge : Download

a month later

@ITZRais#130 hey I am trying to use this controller on my phone. I already downloaded it, but it is not working, I do not know why

7 months later

@ITZRais#130 Its design was excellent. It was easy to install. But I have to see if it works properly in 2020 pes, I will say in the next answer.

a month later
2 years later

Hello,I could not add the layout I downloaded so I created one myself just like in the picture but nothing is working besides de moving joystick but is the right one that works as movement,not the left one. I play DevilMay Cry 3 in my laptop

11 days later
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