Monect Community

i can't download monect-wii-remote-p1.ini ,is there something wrong?

19 days later
2 months later
a month later

does it have to be connected via bluetooth for this?
does it work on Mac dolphin?

@"ItzHallbert"#p1711 does it work with both players connected?

4 months later

@"ItzHallbert"#p1711 can you do the ios version?

a year later

You should create a second controller for Player 2. That would be awesome!

4 months later

how do i include it with a nunchuck i need to play boxing for the nunchucks do i use another phone? someone help

21 days later
2 months later

I got the problem. I have a gyroscope on my Android phone but the emulator only recognizes the accelerometer but it is working poorly. any solution?

14 days later

Hello Can Someone Calibrate The Sensor Please Theres Work But The Accelerometer Is So Poor Can Someone Help Me?

a month later
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