Hello, I'm new to this app where I have explored this and already made a suitable controller. I have created an on-screen controller for MiSide game. Well the touch pad sensitivity is a bit slow so I recommend still use a mouse for better gameplay. You know I wanna share something, my laptop's keyboard keys the tile 1,2W,A,S,Z,X,Caps, Tab, and F1, then F5-7 are got malfunctioned and not working so I searched this app and helped me a lot to continue playings games without a 100% working keyboard. Lastly, I recommend use the USB Tethering for no lags while using the controller 🙂 Download and Enjoy!
Controller Link: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-0TC_A-Yjqo6GfSfii5o-Oge1uysdZJi/view?usp=drivesdk]