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  • [ some BUG and Features Request ]

  1. add a slider, rotate it 90 or 270 degree, shrink width, the slider's useable length also shrink, which is unnecessary.

  2. control and shift key cant be pressed down at the same time, that is a very common key combination.

  3. button set to be toggled seems to have a extra key down triggered when the toggle is released, like down>down>up

  4. when you turn off a sensor, some unrelated axis get reset, such as a slider axis input that didn't auto return to center.

  5. when exiting a layout, axis stuck at its last position, held down button won't get released, which can only be released by the app, please auto release it when exiting layout.

  6. all input of mouse position not working, abs or relative.

  7. add mouse wheel scroll up and down button.

  8. add more mouse input method as option, a lot of game has sensitivity issue when using this app, while some other virtual mouse input works fine.

  9. xbox360 guide button not working

Thanks :3

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