Monect Community

Hello, I have a problem with the latest update. Previously I could connect the controller to the PC from my phone using hotspot, but after the latest update I can no longer use it. The Local PC display on my phone is always loading and can't find it. Please help resolve it. Thank You

4 months later

same problem here, please admin say something to fix this issue

2 months later

App just disconnected from my phone and I've been unable to reconnect again, either by wi-fi or USB

a month later

SAME PROBLEM! my smartphone can't see the PC, ‘not online’, the PC says it's online

5 days later
14 days later

Yes, brothers, it is a common problem, I have the same

9 days later

is there any fix for this? I've been reinstalling both apps but it doesnt detect any local pc plus the connection for remote control is taking soo long. first it worked but after disconnecting, the app doesn't work properly now

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