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It's been 2 day from today since I've started playing (MGS2) with this controller and must say pretty impressive always thought someone would've created this type of software a long time ago but a few days ago actually searched and confirmed it, You can play any emulator game with this but one thing this can't emulate is the slightly touching buttons.

Since I've been playing MGS2, holding X aims down sight for handguns is simple and releasing fires BUT if you want to aim down sight in a Rifle you can't as it'll fire no matter what it's a phone afterall, I thought I could achieve the solution through scripts but nah I don't think so as I've tried and failed countless times with the help of chatgpt to help me understand things, it itself can't understand shit.

(PS I actually wrote down(x360_x),sleep(1000) after 30 minutes of understanding, it somewhat works but still can't do shit with scripts in this situation).
SO PLEASE HELP! add Slightly Touch Buttons for All Controllers

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