Monect Community

Hello guys, I want to write a script that allows me to press two or three buttons at the same time//Example. Press the k button on the keyboard and the direction button D. At the same time
Is there anyone who can help me?.
Thanks ..

4 days later

try: down(kb_k),down(kb_d)
If you want to up these buttons after 1 second use: down(kb_k),down(kb_d),sleep(1000),up(kb_k),up(kb_d)

7 days later

Can I use this with the function keys too? For example alt+F4
I have tried down(kb_lalt),down(kb_f4) but it doesn't work.

17 days later

@adminj is server down or what? i tried to connect via pc remote through internet but its seems its not connecting please help .. i tried with different smartphones .. but its seems thing happening not connecting via pc remote even with host id.. i also created recently few month back accounts maybe issue coming with new accounts

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